The rise of Click & Collect

Gone are the days when you could shop online but had to wait at home for the postman to deliver your parcel.

More and more shops and shopping centres offer a Click & Collect service where you can buy items online and collect them normally between a few hours later and up to a week later (duration varies from retailer to retailer). This service offers the consumer a huge upside: taking advantage of special offers that may expire before they can head to the shops, or checking out an item in various shops from the comfort of their home, or even making the most of a rainy day.

Retailers of course benefit too from this trend: more sales while putting storage space in their existing retail units at good use.

As great as it is, however, this system still requires the buyer to make the journey to the shop and collect the parcel in person (or send someone trusted to collect it with their card).

At Parcelly we firmly believe in making everyone’s life easier. We set out to solve a problem we encountered ourselves, and decided to turn the Click & Collect model on its head – buy online and collect where is most convenient for you.

At Parcelly we firmly believe in making everyone’s life easier.

Our network of Parcelly locations is expanding not only in London but nationwide. You can choose your Parcelly location, send your parcel there and collect it within a week on the way back from work or the gym. It’s that simple.

And if we don’t have a shop that is convenient for you, don’t worry! You can suggest one (or more) here.

But don’t take our word – download the Parcelly app now and try it for free here