Parcelly provides a service to consumers not just from their computers, but through our mobile app too.
Over the last few years’ modern consumption patterns have evolved drastically, to the point where consumers across all age groups are aware of the latest brands and trends over-taking the market. Information about different products is widely accessible by consumers for all segments through a variety of mediums. Online shopping has seen an eminent change in the last few years. Consumer habits have also changed; today’s shoppers are digital savvy. Businesses have been quick to adopt evolving technologies to meet consumer’s needs and create online brand recognition.
Smartphones, for instance exhibit modern consumption. Studies on consumers’ behaviour of purchasing from a smartphone, from the actual adoption to post-usage behaviour, have been the primary focus in market research of late. In Europe, North and South America there has been a huge growth in the telecommunication industry with increases in disposable income. Market research shows the increasing demand from online shoppers for alternative, flexible and more convenient delivery options which blend seamlessly into their personal lifestyle. Parcelly meets this demand by providing a service to consumers not just from their computers, but through our mobile app too.
Parcelly was born to meet the expectation of digital savvy shoppers and make the consumer’s journey easier. With busy lifestyles these days we believed it was time to resolve these problems for good, so we started researching and gathered a team of parcel enthusiasts. It’s simple and innovative. Parcelly is currently running a network of more than 250 locations across London and the U.K. With our smart mobile app, you can always keep track of your delivery and handle the entire collection process, so that you can receive your packages stress-free. When you download the app and follow the instructions, you’ll receive a unique Parcelly ID along with the delivery address of your chosen Parcelly location. You can enter this address as your own with any online retailer worldwide and no matter which international or local courier is delivering.